Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day! Well, belated groundhog day; that is unless you are Bill Murray in the 1993 classic and you woke up today to the realization that it is yesterday, again. For those of you who have never heard about Groundhog Day, you are not alone. I was not aware of this silly though hilariously [...]

The Roaring ’20s

The Roaring ’20s

Do you remember when we thought we were about to enter our generation's version of The Roaring '20s? How excited were we to start the new decade!? Mrs. R and I actually went out to celebrate with the midnight fireworks at Universal Studios. It was going to be great — and it was, for a [...]

The Home Years

The Home Years

Alright, so we unpaused our caffeinated journey after years of the longest couple of weeks at home. We resumed the life we thought we would begin at the turn of the decade, but life does not actually pause, does it? It either is, or it is not, and tragically for many of our loved ones, [...]



It is almost incomprehensible that it has been three years since I last sat down to write a about the latest cup of joe. On one hand life has a tendency to get in the way, but on the other, this was truly a once in a generation collective pause. One which some were able [...]