Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day! Well, belated groundhog day; that is unless you are Bill Murray in the 1993 classic and you woke up today to the realization that it is yesterday, again. For those of you who have never heard about Groundhog Day, you are not alone. I was not aware of this silly though hilariously [...]



It is almost incomprehensible that it has been three years since I last sat down to write a about the latest cup of joe. On one hand life has a tendency to get in the way, but on the other, this was truly a once in a generation collective pause. One which some were able [...]

Gjusta Coffee

Gjusta Coffee

Flavor. If I had to describe this cup with just one word, it would be flavor. Every note of dark chocolate, toasted almonds, and blackberries shined in each and every sip. This coffee is bright, crisp, and unbelievably mouthwatering. Sip after sip, this cup makes a presence, one that beckons your attention and commands authority...

Starbucks Coffee

Starbucks Coffee

At last, it is time to cover what I referred to on my first coffee review as my measuring gauge, Starbucks. This is because Starbucks is neither gourmet nor vending machine quality, it is simply a good cup. It stands in the middle, and for that reason, it is my point of reference. Starbucks' Menu [...]

Blue Bottle Coffee

Blue Bottle Coffee

It was a Monday morning and I woke up slightly disoriented, my body mildly aching, and in desperate need of water — for once, not the result of libations. My wife and I were exhausted from our wedding day just hours ago. We checked out of the hotel, and I beckoned my first cup of coffee as a married man...

IKEA Coffee Review

IKEA Coffee Review

While not know for its coffee, IKEA is famous for its affordable yet stylish furniture and decorations — the latter of which we sought to purchase for the wedding. Specifically, we went to IKEA in a semi-last minute effort to find wood slices for our wedding's table decorations...